About Rebecca DeForest

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So far Rebecca DeForest has created 11 blog entries.

Why Prepping Is Right for Everyone

Prepping is what individuals and families do in order to be self-reliant in the event of a major disaster. It’s important to be prepared because during a time of crisis, you don’t want to have to scramble to stay alive.When disasters occur, normal routines get interrupted. That means food items are delayed on their way to the grocery stores, whic can lead to widespread outages of food and other necessities such as water and medication.Before a disaster strikes, if people know it’s coming, such as a storm, you’ll often see news images of empty grocery shelves. That’s because people [...]

2017-11-15T11:15:37-05:00November 10th, 2017|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

12 Disaster Survival Essentials

Being prepared for a disaster emergency is essential for survival. If you’re just getting started with your survival preparation, it’s important to know the essentials. There are hundreds of items you can purchase to go in your survival storage, but there are some you absolutely must have. In this report you’ll learn the most important survival items you can have. This is enough to help you get started. Once you’ve obtained these items, you can begin to add more and more to your survival cache. 1. Water Water is the most important nutrient you must have. [...]

2017-11-17T17:44:59-05:00November 10th, 2017|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

35 Survival Tips for the Rookie Prepper

Surviving during a disaster event takes a lot of preparation and determination, even more so if it is a SHTF event. You need to be ready if you are going to survive. But, how do you achieve "ready"? If you are new to prepping, it might seem a daunting task to get prepared to survive. Here are 35 survival tips to keep in mind that will help you to be ready for anything that comes your way. Survival Tip #1: Get out of debt. If there is an economic crisis, being in [...]

2017-11-17T18:17:36-05:00November 10th, 2017|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

Vermicomposting – Your Garden Loves Worms!

I remember when I was young, I loved hunting for earthworms. We called it shining for nightcrawlers. We would go out at night and shine a flashlight on the ground. Those fat worms were easy to spot! When we went fishing, I always put my own worm on the hook. I’ve never been grossed out by them. Recently, I’ve started to look back at the child I was and try to do the things I loved doing then. Worms were definitely one of those things. So, I decided to investigate in vermiculture or worm farming. I am also curious [...]

How much garden space do you need to grow a year’s worth of food?

I have always wondered if I would have enough space to plant enough vegetables that I eat for an entire year on what I harvested.  How much would that really be?  How many of us have paid attention to how much food we actually consume to be able to answer that question?  I certainly don't. First we would need to figure that out. Lucky for us, Brenda from The Well Fed Homestead took the time to research how much should you plant in your garden to provide a year’s worth of food and gave us a nice [...]

2017-11-14T09:44:35-05:00March 23rd, 2015|Categories: Food, Food Production|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The Joys and Woes of Gardening – Part 1

With spring right around the corner, the time for gardening is fast approaching. The earth will soon be waking from its winter slumber. Seeds buried under last years leaves will start to look for the light and warmth of the sun. Tulips and daffodils will start to explode with their magnificently rich color, erasing the dreary gray and white of winter, at least in their own small way. Soon the trees will wake and blossom. And gardeners will bring out the gloves, the rakes and the shovels to get their beds in order for spring planting. The goal of [...]

2017-11-14T11:33:55-05:00March 5th, 2015|Categories: Food, Food Production|Tags: |0 Comments

Survive or Suffer? What Will You Do During TEOTWAWKI?

I came across an article asking, in a nutshell, how do you choose to suffer? What pain do you choose to endure? When reading, I found myself thinking about the pain that would occur in a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation. Most disaster events cause hunger, thirst, cold, injury and, worst of all, death for a lot of people. They undoubtedly bring a lot of pain and suffering to a lot of people. However, I believe that preppers mitigate this pain and suffering in so many ways, just by preparing. We spread our pain out over the time before these [...]

2017-11-14T11:34:10-05:00March 2nd, 2015|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

What Preppers Need to Know about Buying Gold and Silver

Many experienced preppers recommend purchasing gold and silver for SHTF and TEOTWAWKI events. I see tweets and posts about buying silver. The problem is, none of these tweets tell you how to buy precious metals. I always click to see what they have to say, and more often than not, it’s an ad just to buy it. So, I decided to write a guide to help those of you that don’t know much about buying gold and silver. Why buy gold and silver as a prep? Until just recently, all civilizations used gold and silver as their currency. Gold [...]

2017-11-14T11:34:42-05:00February 25th, 2015|Categories: Getting Started|Tags: , , |1 Comment